2024 Volume 33 Issue 05 “Victory, Victory, Victory”

Who can defeat a child of God?  Who can stop you?  Who can hinder you?  No one.  You have the victory already, just claim it.  It’s yours, Christ paid for it and gave it to you.  No weapon, that the devil has or can dream up, shall ever be successful against you.  You are somebody, you’re a Child of the King.  Don’t turn tail and run when the devil comes against you.  Don’t show weakness, but stand tall and speak those things that are not as though they were.  Claim your victory, it is yours, now celebrate. 

Just Stand

The Bible tells us, when we have our back against the wall, to just stand.  Then we can see the salvation of the Lord.  When we can do absolutely nothing for our situation, God steps in and saves us from the obstacles we face.  When God and only God, will receive all the glory for our deliverance, then and only then will He deliver us.  This is why, Moses when Israel stood on the shore of the Red Sea with Pharaoh chasing them shouted, “Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord”.  God had shown him that he that he had to place all of his trust in God for Israel to be delivered.  This is where we are, today.  We have to fully trust God for deliverance from our problems.  He will never fail us, when we completely trust Him.  †

God Shows Up

When we dig a hole and climb in it or when we get our backs to the wall, we can always count on our Lord to show up and bail us out.  Many times we take our shovel into the hole with us and we try to escape by digging more.  We are very slow to learn, that we cannot dig ourselves out of the situation we have created for ourselves.  Once again, when Israel found themselves standing at the Red Sea with Pharaoh at their back, they had to stand still and watch as God saved them again.  This is why God told Moses to tell Israel, “To stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.”  God wanted them to watch Him do the work and save them from their enemy.  He is still God and He wants us to trust Him the same way.  God loves to deliver His children from the enemy and show the devil that He, “God”, is still boss.  This is why God allows us to get ourselves into different situations.  We find ourselves in circumstances, where we have no where to turn, but to God.  This builds our faith and strengthens our Spirit Man.  †

Working For Our Lord

We truly thank God for using us and our family in the way He has chosen us to work for Him.  Over the years, we have witnessed God’s Hand move so many times to help His Children.  He has taught us a very important lesson and that is, when we get ourselves into a very sticky situation, we’re to just ask Him for help and wait patiently for Him to show up.  We want to assure you, that He will deliver those that are true to Him and fully trust Him.  There’s no problem too large or too small for Him to conquer.  When you ask Him for help, you must first be living for Him, (not playing games) and you must fully believe that He will help you.  There can be no doubt what so ever.  It must be full faith.  God has never left one of His in a valley or facing a great problem.  He has always delivered them and He will always be there to deliver you, when you call. 

The Will

Today, if we have a Will drawn up, it remains confidential until the person dies.  God gave us His Will in writing and made it very clear what we were to receive.  Once a person is drawn by the Holy Ghost, convicted, repents of their sins and is Born-Again, they are adopted into God’s family.  (Romans 8:14-17)  In our natural life, we’re not to know what someone wants us to have until they have passed, God wants you to know, now, of His plans and His blessings for you.  He lays out His stipulations very plainly, telling us how and when we are to receive each blessing.  He lets us know of the riches He possesses and how we’re to share in them, with Jesus and the other saints.  He explains that we will have eternal life with Him and that we shall never suffer sickness or pain again.  His Will is complete.  He commands that it’s to be read everywhere and all the time.  He wants everyone to know about His desires to help all of His children.  Most people go through life never knowing that Christ died for them so they could share in these blessings.  They remain broke and hopeless all  their life never knowing they are very rich and have been left in God’s Will.  Many, know about the Bible, but they don’t realize it’s for them.  It’s for those that hear God’s calling for repentance, will repent, turn from their sins and seek a better life with Christ.  God loves all His people.  He doesn’t like our sinful ways, but He loves us.  It’s when we read and study His Word, that we can understand  that His standards are much higher than ours, but they are so much better than ours.  God never intended for you to be sick and live in poverty.  It’s the choices you’ve made that has placed you where you are today.  You can change everything by repenting of all sins and accepting  the finished work that Jesus did for you on the Cross.  If you would like for a Christian to pray with you or for you, please call 1-800-774-5255 and some one will be there to help you.  When nothing else helps, “Jesus Does.”  †

 Our Offer This Month

Our offer this month is a book written by Evangelist David Bibey entitled, You Say, “Where Are My Blessings?” and God Says, “Where Are My Tithes?”  This book is to help those that are struggling Spiritually, Physically and Financially.  Ask For Offer # B-60 for a love gift of $12.00 today.  You will be blessed by it.  God Bless!   

Jesus Is The Answer

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