2024 Volume 33 Issue 11 “Love Yourself And Others”

When we have Christ in our heart, we have love.  Jesus clearly tells us in Scripture, John 13:34, “A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.”  This is the same as the old commandment found in Leviticus 19:18, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”  The renewed commandment here has an additional part, “as I have loved you.”  Christ more than fulfilled the Mosaic precept.  He not only loved His neighbor, but He gave His life for others.  In John 15:13 it says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.”  If Christ commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves, we should make sure we love ourselves as we should.  We need to realize, that we have been chosen to be an heir to God’s Throne.  We are somebody and we need to let everyone know that.  One must respect themselves, if they want others to respect them.  One must care about their actions at all times. Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.  Treat others with the same love, kindness and respect as we want them to show us.  We need to search our hearts and make certain there’s an abundance of love there for others.  †

Nothing Too Big

Over the years, we’ve learned that problems will come our way frequently.  We’ve also learned that even when we give them to Jesus, the devil will come to us and constantly remind us of the problems.  However, we have learned to stand on James 4:7, “Submit yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”  We all must remember that we have been adopted into the family of God and we’re joint heirs with Jesus Christ.  Since Jesus is older than us, He’s our older brother.  When Satan comes around to remind us of the problems we gave to God, we need to tell him to go talk to our older Brother Jesus.  Let Satan know that we’ve given the problems to Jesus and he will now have to take  it up with him.  Remember, in Romans Chapter 13, there are no powers other than those ordained by God.  God has not and never will give Satan more power than He gave His own Son Jesus.  Remind Satan, that Christ has already defeated Him at the Cross and will defeat him again in the future.  We need to let Satan know that he’s not to bully us again and our older Brother will defend us.  Christ gave us power over the enemy in Luke 10:19, but sometimes we just need Him to fight for us.  Remember, we have total victory in every situation that arises.  † 


When the crowd followed Jesus, they listened to Him preach for three days.  Jesus called His disciples and said, “I have compassion on the multitude, because they continued with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.”  The disciples thinking with carnal minds asked, “Where are we going to get enough bread to feed such a multitude out here in the wilderness?  Christ knew something the disciples didn’t know, “He was the bread of life” and He was looking and thinking in the Spirit.  Jesus asked the disciples, “How many loaves have ye?”  The disciples had enough for themselves, but were not concerned with the others.  This is where compassion comes in.  There are millions of people, living today, that have more than they need to get by, but they’re greedy and concerned only for themselves.  Jesus is teaching us in this scripture that we are to love our neighbors as ourselves.  This includes all neighbors, here and abroad.  We should know the rest of the story, Jesus gave thanks, blessed the food and God multiplied it.  When we share, God multiplies that which we have.  This scripture is found in Matthew 15:32-37.  We also find in Luke 7:11-18, that Jesus was entering a city called, “Nain” when He came upon a funeral procession with a dead man in the casket.  He was the only son of a widow.  Jesus had compassion on her, told her to, “Weep not”.  He walked over to the casket, touched it and said, “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise.”  We know he sat up and got out of the casket.  The people began to fear God and glorify Him.  Everyone was looking and thinking with carnal minds, when Christ wants us to look at all things Spiritually with faith.  †

Our Blessings Are On The Way

We’ve stood the test and now it’s time for our reward.  Nothing says we were perfect throughout our walk, but we’re still standing.  The Word tells us that Jesus will never leave us, nor forsake us.  This means that He is still with us, right now.  As we care for others, He cares for us.  This why it is so important for us to reach out and help our fellow man.  We are still standing by faith and looking forward to receiving our reward of eternal life with Christ.  We know we’ve lost many rewards over the years, here on Earth, but we also know that God is a God of mercy and forgiveness.  That doesn’t restore the rewards we’ve lost, but it assures us that He still loves us and blesses our obedience.  God watches over us and protects us, when we’re not even aware that danger is present. That’s the God that we serve and that’s the God we need to praise every day.  Just think, when death comes or the rapture takes place, we will be standing before the Creator of everything.  We are not sure how everything will work, but we’re certain that those that are faithful and obedient will be rewarded.  We’re definitely looking forward to that day, but until then, we want to be about our Father’s business doing all that we can to win the lost to Jesus.  †

  Offer This Month

Our offer this months is a one hour teaching CD entitled, “Compassion” by Evangelist David BibeyThis teaching goes into much greater detail and we hope you’ll order a copy right now.  We are offering this CD for a love gift of just $17.00.  Please ask for offer #586-G. To place your order by phone, call 1-800-774-5255.  We hope you will be blessed by this CD.  God Bless!

New Television Broadcast Schedule:

CW-22  Raleigh /

Sunday 8:30 AM

The Word Network DirecTV Channel 373 nation wide

Monday 1:00 AM

Friday 12:00 AM

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