2024 Volume 33 Issue 13 “What Is Truth?”

In this newsletter, we want to examine “truth” in a different way.  We know that Jesus is the “Truth” from John 14:6.  “Jesus said unto him, I am the Way, the Truth and the life.”  We also know that, when we know Jesus through heart knowledge, the truth will make us free.  John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”  We also know that Jesus is the Word of God.  John 1:1 & 14, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.”  Jesus was and is the Word of God and the Truth.  When we truly know Jesus, we know the Word, and when we know the Word, we know Jesus.  You can’t know one without the other.  Our problem today, is many people have had religious experiences and are convinced they are saved, when they know not the Truth.  In studying the Old Testament, there was a prime example of not knowing the Truth.  In II Samuel Chapter One, we learned that there was a  young Amalekite came to David and told him that he had killed King Saul.  He said he found the King wounded on the battlefield and had slain him at his request.  He then stated that he had taken the King’s Crown and the bracelet from his arm as proof.  Now, if a preacher had gotten up in the pulpit and preached from this scripture, exactly as it was written, many people would have believed this to be the truth.  They would have left the service with a made up mind that this young Amalekite had killed King Saul, because the Bible said so.  They would not have realized that the young man was lying.  He told part truth, but also part lie.  He did stumble upon King Saul and he did take his crown and bracelet, but King Saul had already committed suicide.  We knew this, because we had already studied I Samuel and I Chronicles, where we learned the truth.  Both books tell the same story of how King Saul killed himself.  Paul said, “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.”  II Corinthians 13:1.  This is why the Bible tells us to study the Word of God, so we will not be deceived.  Many preachers will grab a scripture and preach on it and the people believe it to be truth, but the preacher himself hasn’t studied or in many cases has never read the Word of God.  We hear of many things going on in different churches that we can’t find scripture to confirm that it’s of God.  This bothers us greatly, because we have family and friends in some of these churches and they just will not believe that it’s not God that’s behind these man instigated events.  We stand on this, if it’s not found in the Bible, it shouldn’t be found in the Church.  God sent us the Comforter, (The Holy Ghost) to teach us all truth, however, He can only bring to your remembrance that which you have heard or read.  Make sure you’re hearing the truth. Study your Bible!  †

The Vision Of The Harvest

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, if you could only see the vision that the Lord has shown us of the “Harvest.”  We know we have mentioned the tens of thousands we’ve seen saved over the years, but that’s a very small number compared to the Harvest that lies ahead.  We speak of the end times being at hand and time as we know it is coming to an end, which it truly is, but God has shown us a work that’s yet to be done and He assures us it will be a complete and swift work.  Brothers and Sisters, we are a small , but important part of the labor force that’s been commissioned to help bring in this gigantic multitude of souls before The Day of The Lord.  Rejoice with us and thank the Lord for choosing us to be His servants.  There’s nothing we can think of that we had rather be doing than working for Jesus.  We thank the Lord for you and all that you have done for this Ministry.  Please, never cease praying for us that we keep our eyes on Jesus, that we deceive no one and pray that we never be deceived by the enemy. 

The Vision As Shown to Evangelist David Bibey in His Own Words

I pray that the Lord will share this vision with you.  The field is enormous and the Ministry is in the middle of the field with openings on all sides.  The Gospel is going out each opening, as though it were on a conveyor belt.  It goes out into the field over the crop of people and then returns to the building.  It’s as though each word of the Gospel has a hook hanging from it and as it returns to the main building it brings a soul from the field that has been hooked.  Praise the Lord.  I sit here with tears in my eyes as God is showing me why the enemy is so upset.  We are just getting started to do that, which God Jehovah and our Lord Jesus Christ has ordained.

Thank you for your prayers and support and please say a special prayer for the staff here at David Bibey Ministries tonight.  We’re going on in the name of Jesus and we shall prevail by His Grace and Mercy. 

For Sinners Only 

Jimmy Swaggart once made a statement that really hit home even though we’ve heard it  through the years.  The statement was something like this:  “Your first, second and any other chance for salvation are on this side of the grave.”  Sinner, if you miss it here, you’ve missed it forever.  There will never be another chance to get it right.  You’ll never be able to go back and try again.  Sinner, you had better think hard and long about your options. We pray that you will seek the Lord while He may yet be found.  †

Offer This Month

Our offer this month is a one hour teaching by Evangelist David Bibey entitled, Children of The Flesh & Children of The Promise.  This is a very enlightening teaching that we feel everyone should hear.  Find out what the Word says about who are Gods Children and who are not.  In Romans 9:8, “That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.”  Evangelist David Bibey goes on to explain in depth about the parable of the tares and the wheat.  You will not be disappointed with this teaching.  Ask for Offer # 464-G for a love gift of $15.00 or more.  Order your copy today. God Bless!

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Please tune in and be apart of the services with us.  God Bless!

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