2024 Volume 33 Issue 14 “Salvation”

We ask, what in the world is more important than one’s salvation?  Salvation is eternal and means life with Christ and all of our Christian loved ones.  Of course, the opposite is damnation, which means eternal life with Lucifer, the devil and all the evil ones in the lake of fire.  The choice is ours to make.  It’s so sad that most people don’t understand what the future holds for their souls and some don’t even care.  Millions think that death is the end, but really it’s the beginning.  God so loved His creation, “Man”, that He sent His only begotten Son to die for the sins of mankind.  God wants us to spend eternity with Him and His Son in His house.  People don’t realize that it’s their rejection of Christ that sends them to Hell or the Lake of Fire.  This Ministry is sent to warn them.  Please continue praying, that we will stay on the battlefield for our Saviour.  Sometimes it really gets hard.  †

Your Soul

God chose this Ministry and called this Ministry to spread the Gospel, which is repentance and to accept Jesus Christ.  It doesn’t matter to us if you enter Heaven sick as a dog, just as long as you enter Heaven.  It doesn’t matter to us if you enter Heaven flat broke, just as long as you enter Heaven.  Every Pastor or Preacher has a different ministry.  Some are called to minister healing and some to preach prosperity, but we are so glad that God called us to win souls.  Your Soul is eternal and so important.  You’re either going to live forever with Christ and rule and reign with Him, on earth or spend eternity with Satan in the Lake of Fire.  Friends, this is no joke, you really need to understand why this Ministry is so important.  We’re having souls saved all over the country and around the world.  God told us that our Ministry logo was to be Mark 16:15-18.  We want to thank you for your continued prayers and support.  †

Being Sure

We meet people, everywhere, that aren’t certain of their salvation.  This tells us that they aren’t truly saved.  The Word of God tells us that we can and will know that Christ lives within us and will never leave us.  In I John 5:13, “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.”  The Apostle Paul made the statement in Romans 8:35-39, that he is fully persuaded that nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  This is our peace.  We can rest assured that when we are absent from the body, we’ll be in the presence of the Lord.  Don’t allow man to deceive you, you must know that God is more powerful than flesh or Satan.  Remember, God created Lucifer to serve Him, it’s true that God gave him power as He did Gabriel and Michael, but He didn’t give any of them more power than He kept for Himself.  False preachers are telling people that the devil can snatch you away from God.  That’s absolutely untrue.  God gave us the Comforter to teach us and guide us through all things.  God also, promised us that when we step out of line, He will chastise us because He loves us.  (Revelation 3:19)  Hold fast to your Salvation and your Faith.  Walk boldly, knowing who you are in Christ Jesus.  The Lord promised us that whatsoever we bound on earth, He would bind in Heaven.  Therefore, bind all evil that’s coming against you, in Jesus’ name.  Take authority over your life, family and finances.  Claim all that God and His Son Jesus has promised you.  †

Our Goals

It’s our goal to reach as many of the lost as we can with God’s plan of salvation.  We know and completely understand that all will not be saved.  As the Bible teaches, Satan has his children on earth to sow division and deception.  It’s his children’s duty to disrupt God’s Children and distract them from learning God’s Word, which will make them stronger.  Satan’s children will never accept Jesus as their Saviour.  Therefore a true man of God knows and understands that he can only reach God’s people.  This is why we continually preach to millions, knowing that only a handful will hear and receive.  Every time one person is saved, Satan loses a soul.  It’s our goal to reach as many as possible and let them know that Jesus is their answer.  We know there is a way to escape going to Hell.  We also know , that Satan and Hell are real.  Just as we know that God, Jesus and the Kingdom of God are real.  Before we were saved, we probably would have said, “I believe”, but we truly didn’t know until we had received Christ into our hearts and lives.  It’s our goal to let the lost know the truth.  Satan wants to stop us, but we have God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost on our side.  We need all the prayers and support we can get, from you and all that believe.  Help us help others.

Offer This Month

Our offer this month is an anointed singing CD entitled, “Because Of The Blood” by Stormy Cole & Carmen Coleman. This singing CD is filled  with songs  of  Inspiration that will make you feel better and uplift your spirit.  Here are a few songs listed: Not Afraid To Trust Him, I’ll Be There, Didn’t I Walk On The Water, Because Of The Blood along with many more anointed songs. You can get this singing CD for a love gift to the Ministry of $18.00.  Offer # CD-179.  This CD will make a great gift to give a friend or a relative.  Please order your copy today to help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.  God Bless!

Jesus Is The Answer!!



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