2024 Volume 33 Issue 15 “Follow Me”

A very simple, but firm command.  This command was given throughout The New Testament.  Being a perfect stranger, Jesus walks by, seeing Peter and Andrew casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers.  “And he said unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”  Nowhere can you find where He enrolled them into a seminary or college.  The Bible says, “And they straightway left their nets, and followed him.”   They new they had been called, therefore, they didn’t have to get permission from Dad to quit the family business.  They left everything and began following Jesus.  To Follow  is an idiom of discipleship.  (2 Kings 6:19)  To follow Christ, one must leave all.  Putting God first in life is an absolute must.  (Matthew 19:27-30)  Jesus proves He can do miracles, when He gets a government worker to follow Him.  In Matthew 9:9 we find Jesus passing by a tax collector and saying the same words, “Follow me”.  The man quit his job right then and left everything behind and followed Jesus.  His name was, “Matthew.”  We have many people that are called to take up their cross and follow Him, but they will not let go of their worldly possessions.  Truly people don’t understand God’s plan for them.  The only way to explain what we believe is happening at this point, is to refer to the military and the government.  Each of us know and understand that Christ is going to return to the earth to rule and reign for one thousand years.  The Bible clearly states that we, which are born-again, will be raptured out and return with Him to rule with Him for that thousand years.  During this period Satan will be bound.  However, man will still have self will and their evil habits.  We’ll have one thousand years to rid this earth of all rebellion and evil before Christ gives it over to God.  In order for us to rule and reign with Jesus, there must be discipline in the organization.  Just as the army has different ranks to keep everyone disciplined, so shall God’s government be disciplined.  Once you’re truly saved, there’s no question of your salvation.  However, from that day on, you’re working toward your blessings and treasures in Heaven or if you’ll accept it, your rank or position in His government or army.  We believe each of us start at the bottom and work our way up the chain of command.  In the Book of Luke, it tells us of  how the servant was obedient with the one pound his Master trusted him with and he gained ten pounds while his Master was gone.  His Master then said since he had been faithful, he was to be in charge of ten cities.  We believe God has given each of us a gift of: Talent, Time and/or Treasure.  He has given us time on earth, while Jesus is gone to be with Him to see how we use or manage the gift or gifts He has given us.  If and when we’re obedient, we are assigned more responsibilities in Heaven or we’re promoted to a higher position in Jesus’ government.  We cannot work for our salvation.  (Ephesians 2:8-9)  Those of us that have had several years on earth to work for the Lord are truly blessed.  Many have little or no time at all.  We must remember, God is in control and we are not to question our Creator.  We don’t know about you, but we want all that God wants us to have.  †


God commands us to love Him above all things and then He commands us to love one another.  When you turn on the news, all you hear is killing, killing and more killing.  The news is all about hatred, murdering, raping and violence.  We have never turned on the national or even the local news and heard that five people were saved at the local church last Sunday or that even ten people were baptized last week after repenting and accepting Jesus Christ as their Saviour.  We don’t hear about the wife abuser that was changed when Christ came into his life.  Neither do we hear about the drug addict or alcoholic that was set free in the very first minute  Jesus came into their heart.  This is what news should be, instead of sowing more and more hatred among the people that already have enough problems.  We must remember, God created the Whit man, the Black man, the Red man, The Yellow man and all men in the Universe.  He created them for a purpose.  We are not to complain about the color of our skin or where and when we were born.  We are to seek God’s will and purpose for our being born in this time period.  We’re not to complain, but we’re to praise the Lord for our being here to witness His Great Majestic Power.  As we see the natural disasters throughout the world, those of us that know Jesus, as our Saviour, and know God’s Holy Word, know that Christ is soon coming.  This gives peace to all Christians.  Jesus says in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”  Jesus continues telling us in John 16:33,  “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”  Paul writes in Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”   Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we must remember the lost and dying world looks through carnal eyes, thinks with carnal minds and reasons with carnal hearts.  They cannot see the things God has blessed us to see and understand.  We must look through spiritual eyes, think with spiritual minds and reason with spiritual hearts.  This is where our peace comes from.  We know beyond a doubt that God will take care of us and meet all of our needs.  †

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