2024 Volume 33 Issue 18 “God’s Calling”

God Called This Ministry

That’s right. God called and ordained this Ministry, to deliver His Word throughout the world.  There may be some that doubt that, but we know and God knows and that’s what counts.  We thank those of you that have stood faithful, over the years, with your prayers and financial support.  There has been thousands saved and countless rededications over the years and your treasures are awaiting your arrival in Heaven.  The Lord chose you to be an outreach partner.  Some of you have been placed with this Ministry to pray back the forces of evil and help us go forward.  Others have been placed in our path to support us financially, since God has and is blessing your finances.  Either way, this Ministry is your Ministry also.  It’s not David Bibey’s Ministry, but God’s Ministry.  That’s just the name we had to give to make it legal under the State and Federal laws.  It’s God’s Ministry and He has chosen each of us to run it and make sure it accomplishes what He has ordained it to do.  More and more souls are going to be saved through our outreaches here and abroad.  Thank you for doing your part.  †

A Special Visit and Message

Many years ago, Evangelist David Bibey testified of how God woke him from his sleep in a motel in Texas, and had him read Isaiah 55.  This took place back in the mid eighties, before the Ministry Outreaches were ever thought of.  Accepting what God had called him to do he began his walk with God into the Ministry.  Over the years, he spoke of how he would ask God, “Why did You have me build a Church just across the road from my home?”  And he reminded God of His Word spoken in Matthew 13:57, which says, “And they were offended in him.  But Jesus said unto them, “ A prophet is not without honour, save in own country, and in his own house.”  Every time he questioned God about this, he said God would always reply, “Because I wanted everyone to know it wasn’t you that was doing it, but it was Me.”  David accepted that throughout the years until one day he heard God say, “Son your ministry isn’t across the road, it’s worldwide.  Didn’t I tell you, from the very beginning, I had a work for you to do?  Didn’t I wake you from your sleep, in Texas and have you read Isaiah 55?  Doesn’t it say, nations that didn’t know you would run unto you, because of Me?  Stay focused on My promises My son and I’ll see you through.”  That’s all he needed to hear to encourage him to keep holding on and going forward.  Today, we have many, supposedly, teaching God’s Word and then, we have those that don’t know, themselves, what they’re teaching.  We feel we have very few God called and God anointed preachers.  Preachers that wait upon the Holy Spirit to tell them what to speak.  Preachers that aren’t ashamed of the Gospel and have the Holy Ghost boldness to preach the truth.  Preachers that call “Sin, sin, right, right, and wrong, wrong.”  God has all the preachers He needs to get His work done.  He has His called and anointed ones around the world.  Listen please, Buda, Mohammad, Allah and all the other , so called, gods are not Jehovah.  There is only one living God and He, Himself, in His Word, tells us His name is “Jehovah.”  We are in no means leaving Jesus out of the picture because we know that Jesus is one third of the trinity and He’s the reason why we are here today.  We know why he was sent to this earth and what has to take place in the future.  In I Corinthians 15:24-28, we find that Jesus will, once again, be subject to God Jehovah.  It seems that many have taken God out of the program.  God is still God and He is head of all.  God has placed this Ministry in millions of homes in front of multiple millions of people to tell them of His plan of salvation.  This is why this Ministry is different from most.  Our small Church sits in the corner of David Bibey’s old tobacco field.  God has used this Ministry to lead tens of thousands to the Lord.  We don’t say that to boast, but to give God praise for using us.  Many are still blinded and cannot see that it’s God’s anointing that’s doing it, but prayerfully one day they will.  Continue to pray that we obedient to God’s Will.   And as Pastor David mentioned that Verse 12 of Isaiah 55 jumped out at him as though the Lord was telling him, “I told you I would give you joy and peace.” “For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” 

A quote from David:

“Even though I’ve had battle after battle, it’s been a wonderful walk and God has given me peace through it all.  I’ve been blessed to have a small part in seeing tens of thousands give their lives to Christ.  Thousands have been set free from addictions and the bondages of the devil.  I’ve truly had peace in knowing that God has been in control all through my walk.”

End quote.

When we totally surrender to God, He will handle all of our problems.  Instead of mountains being a hindrance to you, God will make them sing to you.  Nehemiah tells us in 8:10, the joy of the Lord is our strength.  So, what is there to fear?  If God be for us, who can be against us?  Rejoice and be glad that you are a Child of God, saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ. 


We all know there has only been one perfect living being on earth and that was Jesus Christ.  God created us in His own image and gives us scripture on how we are to live.  Our congregation has been taught over many years, to look and pay attention  to every word in the Bible, because it was placed there for a reason.  Every word has a special meaning.  We have to concentrate on why God used that particular word.  Most people read their  Bibles just as they read the morning news, not absorbing the Spiritual meaning, only reading the words to understand the topic.  When we study God’s Word to get the Spiritual meaning, we grow so much closer to Him.  Each of us need to strive toward perfection even though we know, as long as we are in these carnal bodies, it is basically impossible, because we look at things naturally.  We also know that through Christ all things are possible.  However, we’ve never met a human that has attained perfection. † 

Offer This Month 

Our offer this month is a Brand New singing CD by The Crossroads Community Church Singers, entitled, “We’re Singing A New Song”.  This is a great and highly anointed singing CD. This is a  CD that you will not want to pass over.  A few of the songs on the CD are: God’s Grace, He Chose Me, My Jesus, It’s Time To Get Up and many more anointed songs.  It is a very uplifting and inspirational CD.   Give it as a gift to a friend or family member.   For a love gift of $17.00 or more.  Ask for offer # CD-193.  1-800-774-5255  †

Jesus Is The Answer

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David Bibey Ministries Inc