2024 Volume 33 Issue 19 “No Prayer, No Power”

Some Churches, today, have their normal routines and schedules made out for what they are going to do and what is going to be preached for that day.  In other words, they prepare what they want to happen that day, but something is missing in Church Services today.  No one is inviting Jesus Christ to be part of it!  A service without the Master Builder, the Author of Wisdom, without the Source of Power, is only a meeting, nothing more.  Many are being deceived by thinking, “This is what I’m going to do and I’m trusting God to bless it.”  WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!  God is under no obligation to bless what you choose to do on your own.  You haven’t sought His way, desire or wish.  We wonder why we don’t see great things happening in our churches, lives and jobs.  We have left out the main ingredient, PRAYER.  When we sincerely pray to the Lord asking for His guidance, direction and instruction, we cannot fail to receive His blessings.  A sincere prayer will open doors that we cannot even imagine, but there’s another ingredient in this recipe and that’s waiting for our answers.  Some will pray and immediately act upon their thoughts or feelings, not allowing time to hear from Heaven, then they wonder, “Why hasn’t God blessed this move?”  When God is invited into a Church Service and is given freedom to move as He chooses, His Power and Anointing will fall upon His people and you will know that you have been in the presence of the Lord.  Prayer must be heart felt and sincere for God to move.  We must pray with 100% total Faith and invite the Lord to take over the service.  You have to know that God has heard you and that He will deliver that which you have asked of Him.  If you are in a Church, that only has meetings, you might want to begin the service by Praying and inviting the Lord to take over the service and if you are in a Church where the Holy Ghost isn’t welcome, you need to leave that Church immediately.  If God isn’t welcome and the Spirit isn’t moving in a powerful way, get out.  Where there is No Prayer, There’s No Power.  If you’re in a Church that has No Prayer and No Power and doesn’t allow the Holy Ghost to move freely, we invite you to come visit with us at Crossroads Community Church.  You may ask why?  We invite the Lord to take over the service and the Holy Ghost to move freely.  You’ll be fed Spiritually and you’ll leave blessed after every service.  †

Truly Believing God’s Word

Most of you reading this news letter feel as we do about our faith.  We know we believe God’s Word.  Well, do we believe God’s Word?  This is a question we all need to search deep for the answer.  We read the Bible and we see where faith moves mountains, heals the sick, raises the dead, delivers evil armies into the hands of believers and much more.  We believe in our salvation and we say we believe the Bible from cover to cover, but do we?  We say we believe the miracles that Jesus performed back then, but some don’t believe that He can do them today, why is this?  He says He is a God that will not change, He’s the same yesterday, today and forever.  We look at our lives and we see areas where we have taken authority over the situations and they haven’t moved.  What seems to be the problem?  We can tell you without hesitation.  We don’t believe that we believe.  If there’s a tiny bit of doubt in our faith, we cannot expect God to move on our request.  We have to know and believe in God’s Word and that the miracle is already done when we finish praying.  The born again Children of God have the power to move the devil and all his demons.  We only need to take authority over our minds and not allow doubt to have any part in our lives.  We just need to think positive and believe. †

God Is Our Provider

God has promised us, in His Word, that He will provide for us as we trust Him.  We know that many of us do without or have lacked because we fail to place our total confidence in His promise.  All through the Bible the Lord provided for His people.  Never once did He fail any of His children.  He’s the same Father and provider, today, as He was back then.  God is no respecter of persons.  We have had to walk through valleys just as some of you have had to do.  We praise the Lord that we have been able to see as many souls saved as we have.  There was a gentleman that stood up in church and made a statement, “You know, we serve a slow God.  He’s the slowest there is, but He’s always on time.”  This is true.  We pray and ask God to provide, but we expect it right now.  Jesus tells us, in the Scriptures, that when we pray, we must believe that we have those things we pray for and we shall receive them.  He didn’t say they would come that very minute.  He said, we would receive them.  We must learn to accept the fact that God is our provider and that He knows exactly what we need and when we need it.  In the scriptures we find, that the Apostle Paul faced many of the same battles that we face today.  He was continually asking for help so that he could help others.  Ministries that are called of God will face difficulties, if they are doing the Lords work. To our knowledge, there are no scriptures in the New Testament where those called by the Lord were blessed abundantly with finances overflowing.  There are many scriptures telling them to place their trust in the Lord and He would provide.  In searching the scriptures to see if the disciples went to bed with a need and woke up and found piles of money laying beside their bed, but could not find one scripture, but did find where they asked other Christians to help them and the Lord used those Christians to provide for His chosen.  No matter how dry and lonely your valley seems to be, remember, that God is walking through it with you very carefully, He’s examining the load you’re carrying and He’s monitoring your strength.  He’s analyzing your needs and preparing to make provisions for you.  Pray for us that we will have the faith and patience to wait upon the Lord.  We praise Him for placing you with us in this venture.  †

Harvest Partners Needed

Please consider becoming a Harvest Partner with us and let us be your mouth piece and your extended arm that reaches out around the world helping others.  We minister to millions here in the United States and even more around the World and you can be a very important part of this outreach by simply becoming a partner with us.  As a Harvest Partner, all we ask is that you make a pledge to send a minimum of $15.00 each month to help us continue the mission that God has called us to do.  We need your financial help and it will be greatly appreciated.  †

Offer This Month

Our offer this month is a one hour teaching CD entitled, “Prayer.”  This is a very informative teaching on how important prayer is and how it’s important to know how to pray the correct way to get prayers answered. Makes a great gift for a family member or friend who might be in a battle of some sort.  Ask for offer # 399-G for a love gift of $15.00 or more.  God Bless!

Jesus Is The Answer!!


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