2024 Volume 33 Issue 20 “Show The Love Of God”

We know God commands us to, “love one another”, but how many of us truly obey His command?  True love is shown, when we do unto others as we would have them do unto us.  We are so Blessed to have what we possess and live where we live.  Some may not agree with us, but even though America has many problems, we are still the greatest Nation on earth.  We need to make every day, a day of showing our love and care for each other.  We don’t have to give physical gifts or presents, but we need to give our love and care to each other, every day of the year.  Let’s show our love for those we don’t even know, by telling them about Jesus.  We can do this many ways.  We can personally tell everyone we meet, the plan of Salvation.  We can tell our friends and neighbors to watch this Ministries Telecast or they can support this Ministry, so we can continue to expand and reach millions more with the truth.  We’re still touching lives and spreading the Gospel but to millions of new viewers that haven’t seen or heard that they must be Born-again.  It’s because of your giving that we’re able to do this.  †

God Is Faithful

When you pray, do you know without any doubt, that God has heard you and that your answer is on the way?  If not, you can.  God’s promises are true and He tells us in His Word that we can have anything we ask, if we ask in faith.  Asking in faith, simply means, knowing that you will receive that which you’ve asked for as it aligns with God’s Word.  God is faithful and will keep His promises.  He gives us wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  He blesses us, everyday, to see His wonderful beauty.  The sunrise, the blue sky, the sunset and all the wonders of His creation.  We are so blessed to be Christians.  Now we need to tell others, everyday, how blessed we are and how they too, can have the same blessings.  Remember, when we ask anything believing, God is faithful to honor our request.  † 

Jesus Knows

Many of us waste so much time trying to tell people, we care about, to repent and accept God’s plan of salvation.  We need to be sharing with everyone that only God can do the saving.  Not everyone can or will be saved, only those whom God draws by the Holy Ghost.  (John 14:6 and John 6:44)  Jesus always has perfect timing.  Don’t fail to realize or remember, that Jesus knows everything.  You might convince yourself that things are alright and God understands why you have sinned, but you’re wrong.  The Bible clearly tells us that no sin shall inherit the kingdom of God.  If our Faith in Jesus Christ was all we needed, then why did the Holy Ghost instruct the Apostles to write the Bible?  The plan of salvation could have been written on one page in one verse.  We want everyone to work out their plan of salvation with God.  He gives us commands in the New Testament and He never says, “Please obey them,” but we are commanded to obey His Word.  Please study God’s Word to show yourselves approved.  He loves you and cares for you as we do.  He doesn’t like your sins and neither do we, but we care for your soul.  †

Psalms 23


The Lord is my Shepherd


I shall not want


He maketh me to lie down in green pastures


He leadeth me beside the still waters


He restoreth my soul


He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness


For His name sake


Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death


I will fear no evil


For Thou art with me


Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me


Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies


Thou anointest my head with oil


My cup runneth over


Surely goodness and mercy wil follow me all the days of my life


And I will dwell in the house of the Lord



*It’s not what we have in our livers, but who we have in our lives that’s important. 

Just How Great Is Our God?

In talking with a dear Brother in Christ, he made the statement, “God is so much greater than the greatest we can imagine.”  When we think of the greatest great there is, we are millions of light years away from the greatness of God.  He created everything and in the midst of the air, hung all the stars and planets and commanded them to stay in their places.  Think about that for a moment.  He created the earth, which over 2/3rds is covered by water, hung it in the middle of the Heavens, gave it a twirl, which caused it to spin about 1,000 miles an hour and commanded the water to stay in it’s boundaries.  He created man, placing miles of veins throughout his body and putting a small pump inside that pumps the life giving substance, we call blood, twenty four hours a day without gasoline or electricity.  God holds the universe in His hand and has total knowledge of each one of us.  He is much greater than we could ever imagine.  †

Our Offer This Month

Our offer this month is a book entitled, “Blessings of The Sheep” by Evangelist W. David Bibey. In this book, we can learn to appreciate who we are, what we are and where we are in our daily walk with Christ.  We, the sheep, have many blessings promised to us throughout the Bible but let’s look at the blessings of Psalm 23.  This book will give you a greater insight to the 23rd Psalm.  Order your copy today and ask for offer B-57 for a love gift of $8.00 or more.  You will be blessed by it.

Jesus is the Answer

God Bless

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