2024 Volume 33 Issue 21 “Ending Another Year”

We are so blessed to be able to see another year come to an end.  It’s been a hard year, but it’s also been a great year.  This will be our last newsletter for 2024 and we want to remind everyone to give all they can while they can still deduct their gifts from their taxes.  We’re very much aware that’s not the reason to give, but it does help when we know that the funds are going to help others, rather than watching our government throw it away. Every year we have tried to help the needy here locally as well as those abroad.  We’re to give of that which we have been blessed with.  Giving of our time, talent and treasure is pleasing unto God.  We only wish people would keep the Christmas spirit upon them twelve months a year.  People that will not visit nor speak to others during the year, will give and show love towards one another at Christmas.  We’re reminded daily that God gives and takes life.  Everyone reading this letter is so blessed to be alive, knowing that we have been given one more day to help another person find their way to Calvary.  How many people would you say God has placed before you that have said, “I want what they have.”  You see, when we let our light shine, others will see that there is something different about us.  God has given us this day to write to you and encourage you to be thankful for everything the Lord has blessed you with.  We take too many things for granted.  Don’t just show the love of God at Christmas, but make a commitment to pour your love out to everyone, everyday of this upcoming year.  You may not agree with us or others on certain subjects, but we can still love one another with the love that was shown to us in Christ Jesus.  Let’s make 2025 the greatest year we’ve lived on this earth, by exercising the Love of Christ to everyone we come in contact with.  We promise you, you’ll feel much better about yourself when you do this.  † 

One Heartbeat Away

Those of us that are saved and have true heart knowledge of Christ, know that we are one heartbeat from standing before our Lord and Saviour in heaven.  It’s our responsibility to tell those that are to tell those that are lost that they are one heartbeat away from standing with Lucifer in hell.  Most of us know this, but most   have never considered how quickly a heartbeat is.  The average heartbeat is less than a second.  For the Christians that’s wonderful, but for the lost, it’s scary.  If you could spend only   half of a second in hell, you would run to the church and truly thank and praise the Lord for choosing you to be His Child.  We all know it isn’t possible in the natural, but it is something we need to think about.  Can you imagine opening your eyes in hell, feeling the pain, the horror and the agony knowing that you can never escape?  If God’s Children thought more about what He has delivered us from, we would be more appreciative of our salvation.  We know and understand that most Christians do praise and thank Him, but we feel that the praise would grow considerably if everyone would consider the alternative.  Christians would probably crawl to church if necessary and stay there long after the services were over praising and thanking our Lord.  Don’t you know that the last person to arrive in hell, that’s only been there for a few seconds, would give anything to have one more opportunity to change their lifestyle?  It’s all over for that person, no more opportunities to repent, no more heartbeats.  Their fate is sealed.  They will appear before the Great White Throne, where they will be judged and then cast into the Lake of Fire to spend all eternity.  It’s so important for us to witness to those that have never asked Christ into their hearts.  We totally understand that they must be drawn by the Holy Spirit before they can be saved.  Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  We must broadcast the Word of God all over the world so they can hear.  Just because you or I may not be listening or watching when our telecasts are being broadcast, millions are.  God’s Word will not return void.  It will accomplish that, for which it was sent.  We all have loved ones that are one heartbeat from hell.  Let’s continue praying for them and let’s make sure we do all in our power to warn them before it’s too late.  God has blessed this Ministry with the outreach to warn millions that are lost.  Some hear, accept His Word, repent and are saved, while others reject the warnings and remain lost.  Our Ministry is to encourage and give hope to those that are saved, as well as warning those in sin to repent and come to Jesus.  The most important thing in one’s life isn’t their financial success or their health.  It’s their eternal destiny, their salvation.  Help us help others.  †

A Special Thank You

We, the Staff, here at David Bibey Ministries, would like to take this opportunity to say a Special Thank You to all of our faithful supporters who have stood with this Ministry over the years.  We sincerely Thank You for your continued prayers and your financial contributions to help us carry the True Word of God throughout this nation and around the world.  This past year we have seen many salvations and rededications through our telecasts and here at the church which is a wonderful thing to see because we always want to be fruitful for the Lord.  This is what this Ministry is all about, winning souls for the Kingdom of God and we could not continue to do this if it were not for your obedience and generosity.  We pray that God will bless you abundantly here on this earth but we know you will have many blessings in Heaven, where it counts, for all that you do to help us.  May you and your families have a very blessed Christmas, a wonderful New Year and Thank You again from The Staff here at David Bibey Ministries. †

  Offer This Month

Our offer this months is a wonderful  CD entitled, “A Test of Love” by The Bibey GirlsThis singing CD features songs such as: Gotta Have Some Faith, Come To The Water, A Test of Love and many more original songs written by the sisters.  We are offering this CD for a love gift of just $17.00.  Please ask for offer #CD-125. We hope you will be blessed by this CD.  God Bless!

New Television Broadcast Schedule:

CW-22  Raleigh /

Sunday 8:30 AM

The Word Network DirecTV Channel 373 nation wide and on most Cable TV

Monday 11:00 AM

Tuesday 1:00 AM

Friday 12:00 AM

All times are eastern standard times.

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David Bibey Ministries Inc