The Lord tells us, all through the Bible, to love our neighbors as ourselves and we are to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Many people, today, do not take these Scriptures serious. God would not have placed them into His Word, had He not wanted us to obey them. There’s a Chapter in Luke that speaks of this and the results of not obeying God’s Word. In Luke 16:19 it tells us, “There was.” This indicates that this is a true story, for we know that Jesus would never tell a lie. A person is named in this story, therefore it cannot be a parable. This actually happened. The story is about two beggars, one begging in this life and the other begging in the next life. This shows plainly of the different compartments of Hell. Just to remind everyone, the Bible clearly teaches of the five different compartments that are founding Hell. We have Abraham’s Bosom, which is also known as Paradise. Then we have Hell or Shoal, which is the torment chamber, where the person’s soul is in a burning fire, which never consumes the person. We then have the Bottomless Pit, where Satan will be cast into for 1,000 years. We also have Tartarus, where the fallen angels are held. It’s called, “a prison” in I & II Peter. The Lake of Fire, where all wicked souls will spend eternity. Jesus clearly tells us, that the rich man died and he opened his eyes in Hell. The beggar died and opened his eyes in Paradise or Abraham’s Bosom. We must understand, that the man didn’t go to Hell because he was rich, but because he showed no compassion while he was here on Earth. Lazarus was a very poor man that had nothing. He suffered greatly while here on Earth. The rich man was highly blessed and had plenty while living here, but he was very selfish and stingy. He would not even give the beggar the crumbs that fell from his table. He would not give the beggar money to buy medicine for his sores. A dog licks his own wounds to heal them, so God sent dogs by to lick Lazarus’ wounds, because the rich man wouldn’t help him. God had Abraham remind the rich man of how well he lived on Earth and how poor Lazarus was. This Chapter proves many things to us about our future. A person is fully conscience after death and can feel pain. Angels do not carry people to the grave, but carry saved souls to Paradise, which now is in Heaven. Jesus died on Calvary, went into the heart of the Earth for three days and three nights to deliver those held in Abraham’s Bosom or the early Paradise, up to be with God in Heaven. We learn this in Matthew 12:40 and in Ephesians 4:8-10. All righteous souls now go straight to Heaven to be with Christ at their death and the wicked souls still go to Hell to be with Satan in torment, until their resurrection, to stand before the great White Throne for judgment, before being cast into the Lake of Fire. Luke 16 teaches us about intellect after death. The rich man recognized Abraham and Lazarus as soon as he saw them. He was able to speak to them and he felt pain and torment. We must remember, he was in his spiritual body in hell and his physical body was in it’s grave here on earth. This proves many things, the soul of man lives forever, whether righteous or wicked. The righteous are resurrected unto eternal life with Christ and the wicked are resurrected to eternal damnation with Satan. There will be 1,000 years between these resurrections. The righteous will be resurrected before the Millennium and the wicked after the Millennium. God draws His people unto repentance and it’s up to us to accept or reject our salvation. Many of God’s chosen will reject His call, because they choose to follow their fleshly desires. Then, we have Satan’s children, which are called, “tares” in Matthew 13:24-42. Most Preachers and Pastors stay away from this topic, because they are not taught about the seriousness of this subject in their training. This is why we continually encourage you to read and study your Bible. When you were lost, living in the world, you were a servant of Satan and so were we, but we were never Children of Satan. We served Satan, because of our fleshly desires and for the reason we had not been saved. Once the Holy Ghost revealed to us that we needed a Redeemer to get into Heaven and Jesus was that Redeemer, we then learned He was the only way in. We repented and asked Him to save our wicked souls and He did. This is why we have to continually ask for financial help, so we can tell others of His saving Grace. Over the years, we have seen thousands accept Jesus as their Saviour. Many have died and gone on to be with Him in Heaven, but where would their souls be today, if we hadn’t warned them? What if others had hoarded their money and not have given, so that we could continue God’s Work? It is so important please help. †
One Heart Beat Away
Listen friends, we’re not hours, days, weeks, months or years away from death. We’re only one heart beat away. Listen to your heart beat just for a second. That’s how much time you have between life and death. Hell is real and it’s for eternity. We want you to think about eternity. That’s forever, with no end. There’s absolutely no time for you to make a decision after death has appeared. You will either spend eternity with Christ and His saints or you will open your eyes in front of Satan to spend eternity with him in The Lake of Fire. There will be no time to get things right. You have right now to do that. Where will you spend eternity? If you’re not sure, make the decision now and ask Jesus to save your soul, come into your heart and be your redeemer. Seek God while He may yet be found. †
Obedience and Deception
God speaks to us just as the devil does. Satan talks to you on a daily basis and most will listen to him. God is the still small voice inside that tells you not to do wrong after Satan has tempted you to sin. When you’re a Child of God, He always makes a way for you to escape sin, but it’s up to you to listen and obey. Every time you’ve sinned, it’s because you followed flesh. Your flesh is corrupt and Satan has his hand upon it. Your flesh and Spirit war daily with one another. Your flesh wants you to sin, but God, through your Spirit, says, “No.” The lust of your eyes and the desires of your flesh always brings sin into your life, if and when you submit to them. Listening to God and being obedient to His voice isn’t easy, when your fleshly desires are tugging at you, but it’s when you are obedient to God, that your Spirit man grows stronger. †
Offer This Month
Our offer this months is a CD entitled, “I Know A Man” by Stormy Cole. This CD contains various anointed songs including: Overshadowed By The Blood, We Speak Your Name and many others that will bless your soul. All artists that produce a CD with David Bibey Ministries donate their time and talent to help carry the gospel of Jesus Christ forward. We are offering this CD for a love gift of just $17.00. Please ask for offer #CD-164 if you call to place your order today 1-800-774-5255. We hope you will be blessed by this CD. God Bless!