2024 Volume 33 Issue 03 “Raising The Standards”

Today, in the mega churches spread across America, so called “Pastor’s” are trying to lower God’s standards to suit their congregations.  To make it very clear, once again, we’re not speaking about those Pastors that are truly called of God.  They know better than to do such craziness.  They fear God.  However, we have many that are trying to lower God’s standards to suit their congregations.  Friends, it’s time for the true Christians to call it as it is and let the world know that we are not to bring the world’s ways into the Church, but take the Church’s ways into the world.  God set His standards exactly where He wanted them and we’re not to even think about lowering them to our level.  We are to raise our standards to meet God’s requirements.  Then and only then shall we be blessed above measure.  Mega Churches are popping up everywhere and if you’ll listen closely, you’ll not hear repentance nor the Blood of Jesus mentioned.  It’s all about you, how great you are and God wants you to feel good about yourself.  The true Christian Churches have stood by far too long and said nothing while the Atheists and Muslims are gaining more rights than all the Christians together.  Well, with your help and God’s anointing, we’re planning to speak out.  The Lord has opened doors for our telecast to be aired in every city in the United States.  We will proclaim the True Word of God so long as the Holy Spirit will allow us.  Those that have read and studied their Bibles will agree with us, but those that have been taught man’s doctrine or know  nothing of God’s Word will disagree.  Either way they will hear what the Word of God says about pagan worship, homosexuals, lesbians, child molesters, abortionists, murderers, liars, thieves and all other sin.  We’re not perfect, nor have we ever claimed to be and we know the Word says not to cast stones, but we must warn the wicked that there is a Judgment Day coming and those found guilty will suffer in the Lake of Fire.  †

Round Valley California

We ask that you continue to pray for the people in Covelo, California.  Several years ago, the Lord sent this little ministry to this area to deliver God’s Word among the Tribes with great success.  The devil has used this area, for many years, to seduce many people and develop them to go out into the world to deceive and destroy, but God has sent the Holy Ghost there to seek them out and convert them.  Lift these people up in prayer that God will continue to deal with their hearts and continue the work in that area.


We thank those that have helped us with our support to our Haitian Brothers and Sisters in Christ.  They have absolutely nothing and anything is a blessing to them.  Please continue to pray for them and any financial help will be a blessing. 

World Mission Begins Here

Lots of people may think that we only help people in other countries, but that’s totally wrong.  World Mission begins here at home.  We help people in our community that are less fortunate and have needs.  We help people from other communities, by giving them food and clothing.  We help people from other states with food and clothing.  Then we also help other countries, when we know the need is genuine and sincere.  You’re a special part of this outreach and God is keeping all records.  Jesus commands us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, visit the prisoners and sick.  We do all of these things and God blesses us for it.  So, when you give to World Mission, you’re doing all of these things also.  Isn’t it great knowing that you’re doing God’s Will? 

Love One Another

We know God commands us to, “Love One Another,” but how many of us truly obey His command?  True love is shown, when we do unto others as we would have them do unto us.  We are so blessed to have what we possess and live where we live.  Some may not agree with us, but we’ve traveled to many foreign countries and we can tell you, “Even though America has many problems, we are still the greatest Nation on Earth.”  We just pasted a giving season, which is known as, “Christmas.”  It’s a time of the year when we give our family and friends gifts to show we care and love them.  We need to make every day, a day of showing our love and care for each other.  We don’t have to give physical gifts or presents, but we need to give our love and care to each other, every day of the year.  This year, let’s show our love for those we don’t even know, by telling them about Jesus.  We do this many ways.  We can personally tell everyone, we meet, the plan of Salvation.  We can tell our friends and neighbors to watch this Ministry’s telecast or we can continue to expand and reach millions more with the Truth.  We’re still touching lives and spreading the gospel, but it’s to millions of new viewers that haven’t seen or heard that they must be Born-again.  It’s because of your giving that we’re able to do this.  †

Our Offer This Month

Our Offer this month is is a one hour teaching entitled, “God’s Will.”  Every Child of God needs to listen to this teaching and follow along with their Bible.  Reading every Chapter and Verse from the Bible, which will reveal the truth.  It’s a more detailed teaching that will carry you through the end times showing you what many preachers never reveal.  Read and study John 16:23-26 and you will find a great secret to answered prayer.  Jesus clearly commands us not to ask Him for anything, but to ask God in His Name.  Order your copy today and learn what others don’t teach. Ask for Offer # 643-G for a love gift of $20.00.  You will be blessed.  † 

Television Broadcast Schedule

Dish Network, DirecTV & Cable

Channel CW-22 in Raleigh, NC Sunday’s at 8:30 AM

WGGS TV- 16 in Asheville, NC Sunday’s at 8:00 pm

WWAY TV 3 in Wilmington, NC   Sundays at 10:00 AM        

WNCR TV- 41 in Rocky Mount, NC
Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM  Monday-Friday 11 AM

The Word Network
Direct TV Channel 373 Monday 1:00 AM

All times are eastern standard time.


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