2024 Volume 33 Issue 07 “The Command and Commission”

Jesus tells us in Mark 16:15-18, to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.  Then, He tells us in Acts 1:8, to be witnesses unto Him in Jerusalem, Judaea, in Samaria and unto the uttermost parts of the world.  We can’t find one place where He says, “Please.”  This is a command and we want to be obedient.  In Matthew, Chapter 7 and in Verse 22 it says, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name cast out devils? And in thy name done many wonderful works?”  Jesus then tells us that He will say unto them, “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”  This makes it pretty plain.  These people were not saved and then back-slid.  They were never saved.  Jesus says, “I never knew you.”  This makes it clear that they were never God’s Children or heirs with Christ.  Jesus tells us in John 5:39  “Search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”  Friend, listen to me, we have no reason to lie to you.  There are literally thousands standing in pulpits everywhere, telling people 90% truth and 10% lies.  It doesn’t matter if it’s 99% truth and 1% lie, it’s still false.  And these are they that testify that they are Children of God.  Deception is everywhere and it’s our responsibility to warn those that are deceived.  We stated earlier, “We have no reason to lie to you or deceive you.”  You see, We’re going to Heaven, with or without you and you cannot prevent that, but God placed a burden upon our hearts, to try our best, to convince you, that He loves you and wants you there with Him for eternity.  You are the one that must make the decision to repent or not and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour.  Many of those that Christ  was speaking of are Pastors, Teachers, Evangelists and so called Christians that have mind knowledge and not heart knowledge of Jesus.  You see, you knew the name and the story of Jesus Christ, before you were saved.  Even though they know the story and testify of Jesus, they don’t know Him intimately.  This is why we need your help.  †

False Preachers 

Getting back to false doctrine.  We have tens of thousands of false preachers, standing in pulpits, around the world.  We’re no saint and we’re not to judge another, but the Bible tells us of the qualifications of a preacher and the people we see being ordained or voted into an office of leadership do not meet these requirements.  We have denominations ordaining Homosexuals and Lesbians to be Pastors and Preachers.  We’re sorry, but this is an abomination to God and according to His Word, they are going to Hell, accept they repent and turn from their wicked ways.  We have thousands more that choose to go to college or seminary and be taught to preach, which again is against God’s Word.  These have never studied the Word of God, therefore, they don’t know they are deceived.  Then we have those that decide themselves that they want to make a lot of money, but don’t want to work for it, so they choose to order their ordination certificates on line for $20.00 to $50.00 and become a prosperity preacher.  Prosperity preachers deceive the people listening, by telling them that they will become wealthy, if they send the preacher money.  The only one that’s getting wealthy is the preacher.  You cannot buy God’s healing, blessings or gifts.  God does bless those that obey His Word and those that keep His commandments.  However, we must give from our hearts freely and not for gain.  When one gives for selfish reasons, that person shall not receive any reward.  There’s no excuse for ignorance.  God clearly tells us all about His promises and He wants the very best for us.  †

God Is Faithful

When you pray, do you know without any doubt, that God has heard you and that your answer is on the way?  If not, you can.  God’s promises are true and He tells us in His Word that we can have anything we ask, if we ask in faith.  Asking in faith, simply means, knowing that you will receive that which you’ve asked for as it aligns with God’s Word.  God is faithful and will keep His promises.  He gives us wisdom, knowledge and understanding.  He blesses us, everyday, to see His wonderful beauty.  The sunrise, the blue sky, the sunset and all the wonders of His creation.  We are so blessed to be Christians.  Now, we need to tell others, everyday, how blessed we are and how they too, can have the same blessings.  Remember, when we ask anything believing, God is faithful to honor our request.  †

Obedience and Deception

God speaks to us just as the devil does.  Satan talks to you on a daily basis and most will listen to him.  God is the still small voice inside that tells you not to do wrong after Satan has tempted you to sin.  When you’re a Child of God, He always makes a way for you to escape sin, but it’s up to you to listen and obey.  Every time you’ve sinned, it’s because you followed flesh.  Your flesh and Spirit war daily with one another.  Your flesh wants you to sin, but God, through your Spirit, says, “No.”  The lust of your eyes and the desires of your flesh always brings sin into your life, if and when you submit to them.  Listening to God and being obedient to His voice isn’t easy, when your fleshly desires are tugging at you, but it’s when you are obedient to God, that your Spirit man grows stronger.  †

A Special Thank You

We want to thank each of you for your prayers and support.  Every dollar you send to this Ministry is spent wisely to help carry the true Word of God forward.  Nothing is wasted!!  Please continue to help.  Thank you.  †

Offer This Month

Our offer this month is a singing CD by The Crossroads Community Church Young Adult Choir, entitled, “Through The Fire”.  This is a great and highly anointed singing CD. This is a  CD that you will not want to pass over.  A few of the songs on the Cd are: Come Holy Spirit, What The Bible Says, He Laid His Hand On Me, Through The Fire and many more anointed songs.  It is a very uplifting and inspirational CD.   Give it as a gift to a friend or family member.   For a love gift of $15.00 or more.  Ask for offer # CD-191.  All proceeds, from the sell of this CD, are to help carry the Gospel around the world.  Order today, you’ll be blessed!  1-800-774-5255  †

Jesus Is The Answer


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