We’ve all heard things through the grapevine. Someone will come to you and say, “Don’t tell anyone that I told you, because I wasn’t supposed to say anything, but so and so said, ???????.” This is what we mean by the grapevine. People come to us every week with grapevine reports. Some are good and positive, but most are not so good. We know there are many that don’t like the Pastor’s way of delivering God’s Word and that’s perfectly alright. However, there are more that do like hearing the truth preached as it should be preached. God called this small Ministry to deliver a big Message to a lost and dying number of souls over 30+ years ago. We’ve seen many men come and many men go and God is still blessing us to carry His Word to millions. We’re still seeing salvations, seeing God’s Children blessed and God’s hand moving. We love the grapevine, because it assures us that we’re on the right course. If everyone loves you, you’re not doing something right. Please pray that we stay in God’s will. †
Reaching God’s Will
We must live what we believe. We have to stand by God’s Word and truly believe what it says. There have been times in our walk with God, that we felt like throwing up our hands and quitting. The Pastor once used this example with the congregation and many understood what he was trying to explain. In high school, he was very athletic. He was very trim and could do very well in all exercises. In his physical education class, he had to do pull ups and the bar that he had to grab hold of was pretty high, so he had to jump up to grasp hold of it. His coach watched carefully as he put forth the effort to reach up and get hold of the bar. The Pastor said he could see it pleased his coach as he did his pull ups, but there came a time when he couldn’t do anymore. He would try to hold on to the bar until he could rest for a second, but soon his fingers would start to slip and he would drop to the floor. Even though he would have to stop, his coach being disappointed, was still very pleased with his efforts. This is how God looks at us, when we make an effort to reach the bar of His Will. Once we reach the realm of His Will, we’ll hold on for a little while doing our very best to please Him, but soon we begin to slip and fall down. When we first got saved and accepted Jesus as our personal Saviour, we were on fire and did our very best to attend church, read our Bible and witness to everyone we met, but then we began to slip and gradually we stopped witnessing as much as we did at first. The Lord was disappointed, but He still loved us just as much He did at the beginning. Soon, battles come and we find ourselves reaching for the bar once more. Our only hope is in Jesus Christ. †
Being Blessed?
God tells us, all through the Bible, that His Children are to be blessed. Our blessings can come from having good health, being debt free, having a good job, having a wonderful family, being able to provide a roof over our heads and food to eat. Many people look at being blessed, by how much money they have or can make. Money will burn and melt just like one’s flesh. When the day comes for all wicked to be judged, many will wish they had paid closer attention to the preachers. The Bible clearly ask this question in Mark 8:36, “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his soul?” Some will say, “Well if one is saved, what does it matter if they’re rich?” Absolutely nothing. It’s truly great that they are blessed, because they will give to the needy and help those that are less fortunate. That person now has the Holy Ghost living in them and therefore they cannot be greedy. We know that they have way more than they need and sometimes we wonder, “What does Christ think about that?” In Proverbs 19:17 it says, “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again.” Friends, we can not out give God! He has way much more than any of us. Over the past thirty plus years, we’ve found that it’s those that have very little that truly have giving hearts. During these years , we’ve also seen God sustain them through perilous times. We want each person, reading this letter, to look at what they have and ask themselves, “Do I really need this and what will I do with it if Christ comes today?” If Christ comes today, our families won’t need it, because they will be with us in Heaven or they will be left behind. Either way, money, land, gold, silver, diamonds or any other earthly materials will not help them. Thousand upon thousands of little children are going to bed hungry day after day and yet many so called Christians, have thousands of dollars in their bank accounts. We’re feeding multiple children that we know are in Christian areas, here in the U.S. and abroad. We’ve seen many come to Christ, repenting of their sins and accepting Jesus as their personal Saviour, simply because we told them of His love for them and they saw our love for them as we gave them food for their hurting stomachs in Jesus’ name. We don’t do this to gain earthly rewards, but we do this to lay up treasures in Heaven, as Jesus told us to do. Please consider helping us to help others right now by mailing in a donation of your best gift today. God Bless!
Out Of State? Join Us By Radio
Evangelist David Bibey and the Jesus Is The Answer program can be heard on the following radio stations in these states:
WLMR 1450 AM / 103.3 FM
Chattanooga, TN
Wednesday 8:30 pm
WELP 1360 AM / 104.3 FM
Greenville, SC
Sunday 9:30 am
WCPC 940 AM / 105.7 FM
Tupelo, MS
Monday 6:00 pm
WITK 1550 AM / 94.7 FM
Wilkes Barre / Scranton, PA
Sunday 9:30 am
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At David Bibey Ministries /Crossroads Community Church
Please tune in and be apart of the services with us. God Bless!