2025 Volume 34 Issue 05 “Preachers and Road Signs”

Preachers and road signs have a lot in common.  First, we have Directions and Instructions.  Road signs should direct you to a specific location, while providing instructions that will make your journey more enjoyable.  Preachers, that are called of God, should do the same.  It’s the preachers obligation to direct all that he comes in contact with to the pathway that leads them to Heaven.  They are to instruct them on the do’s and don’ts, which will make their journey more comfortable.  Can you imagine taking a trip from the East Coast to the West Coast without seeing a single road sign?  Or worse yet, what if every sign you saw was totally blank?  Any trip can be confusing with the road signs we have today, but traveling with out any road signs at all would be total turmoil.  Let’s look at this from another angel.  What if the signs had wrong information on them?  What if someone had switched the word “North” and replaced it with the word “West?”   You would be driving for hours in the wrong direction.  This is why a person needs to be able to trust the people that are placing the signs on the highways.  When traveling, a person should have their own tools, such as a compass and a roadmap.  Of course, today, we have the GPS, (Global Positioning Signal) devices.  The same holds true with the preachers we sit under.  You must be able to trust them to guide you in the right direction and furnish you with the correct information.  However, you need to have your own back up equipment, such as your King James Bible.  The reason we say King James Bible is, because man has basically messed up the signs by rewriting the Bible and placing his own opinion in many strategic places.  Second, the signs are there to warn us for our own protection.  Warnings are sometimes aggravating, but they can save our lives and the life of others.  Detour ahead bridge out, road flooded ahead, stop ahead, railroad crossing.  All of these warnings cause us to slow down and proceed with caution, but in the long run they are very beneficial.  Warnings are very few and far between coming from the pulpits around this great nation of ours.  The man that’s called by God, will have a burden for those sitting under his preaching and teaching.  There will be a genuine concern for the comfort, safety and peace of every individual.  The State makes certain the person placing the signs on the highways are placing signs that are true and accurate.  The Holy Spirit continually urges us to warn God’s People to read and study their Own Bibles”  to know that they know the truth.  Don’t listen only to the directions we give or to any other man, but search the Word of God for the true pathway to Heaven.  It’s Jesus Christ and we pray you already know Him.   

A Forced Fast

While the Pastor was laying in bed one night, he was suddenly struck him that God had caused a forced fast.  The Spirit kept urging him to get up and read the scripture, so he  got up, got his Bible and began to read the Book of Daniel, Chapter Six.  It all starts when Daniel’s enemies could not find an occasion of fault in him.  Daniel truly loved and feared God.  So, these enemies plotted against Daniel.  Knowing that he prayed at least three times a day, they convinced King Darius to make a decree that anyone praying or asking a petition of any God, or man for thirty days, would be cast alive into a den of lions.  King Darius makes the decree and later is very saddened when Daniel is accused of violating it.  Keeping his word, he orders Daniel to be thrown into the den of lion.  (Many believe that this King Darius was Astyages who some years before had married Esther, making her his Queen.  Therefore he knew and feared God.)  The last words King Darius  told Daniel before sealing the den with a large stone was, “Your God whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.”  Now, the passed the night without sleep and fasting, but this isn’t the fast the pastor was struck with.  The next morning King Darius went to the den of lions and cried out with a fearful voice, “Daniel, is your God, Whom you serve continually able to deliver you from the lions?”  Daniel replied, “My God has sent His Angel, and has shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me.”  God had forced the lions to fast that night.  They were hungry, but God said, “I’ll feed you later, but tonight you will not eat.”  Daniel was released and King Darius ordered the men that had plotted the trap for Daniel, their wives and their children to be brought before him.  They were all cast into the den of lions and the lions broke every bone of their bodies as they were eaten. 

Jesus Is The Answer  

NEW Offer This Month

 NEW offer this month!!  Our Jesus Is The Answer Around The World tote bag.  This tote can be used for a nice Bible bag for the women to carry to church, a handy reusable grocery bag, light weight beach bag to carry towels and beach gear in, and many more ways. But most importantly, it can be used to witness to others without opening your mouth.  It’s advertising to the world that no matter what you are going through in life or what problems you are faced with, Jesus Is The Answer. We offer three different colors: Black, Tan or Blue, for a love gift of $12.00 ea. or 3 for $30.00. Makes a great gift to give to a friend or family member. Order today.  All proceeds help spread the Gospel around the world. Please specify the color and quantity on order card provided.

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